MCV shows why the Xbox One is so big!


Even though the Xbox One has the same if-not lower speced hardware than the PS4 – It still manages to be larger in size. One of the Xbox designer tells MCV why the Xbox One is larger than the PS4.
According to the forum post on LinusTechTips and the same topic discussed on TheWanShow (November 28, 2014 ). After reviewing IGN and MCV’s post – It seems like the Microsoft made the Xbox One larger in size to avoid ‘red ring of death’ issues.

You can read the full posts linked: IGN & MCV


[highlight] Here is the clip from TheWanShow of Nov. 28th 2014 – Watch the whole segment before accusing someone or some company about what they said. [/highlight]

Source: IGN, MCV, LinusTechTips

