Sony is bring back the Walkman – for just $1,000!

Sony is now going to try it’s best to make the walkman cool again! This isn’t the first time… Sony tried this last year with the Petite NWZ-A17.

Sony launched a new walkman at costs over $1,000! Sony says that everybody is streaming music from their smartphone now days but, you phone doesn’t have the best DAC (Digital-to-analog converter) and most of the time you don’t get the sound the artists want you to hear…

According to Sony, This will give audiophiles a first class experience!

The new Walkman “can reproduce master quality recordings just as the artists originally intended,” The company said in a news release.

The battery like is also really good from a single charge:

60-hours of MP3 playback

33-hours of high resolution playback

Even though it runs Android 4.2 it not designed to be used as a smart phone with it’s now specs which is not a problem since it’s supposed to be used for music playing.

The walkman isn’t available for pre-order yet but, Sony expected these to be in people’s hand by Spring 2015.

See more images here!


