Vessel is a new paid steaming site that allows creators to post video onto the site and has the same features of YouTube; Likes, Comments, Shares etc…
Vessel is making deals with big YouTubers with which a YouTuber can post a video on Vessel and then post the same video to any other streaming site at-least 72 hours after the video has been posted to Vessel. Major YouTubers are making the move because with YouTube’s new “product placement” rules you cannot put a logo of another company on screen or have in-video ads. Most of these big YouTube creators make their household out of these sponsorship and if they don’t have them then they can start to lost out on a lot of money… With Vessel since it’s a paid service you don’t have to worry about YouTube’s new rules.
Even though Vessel is a paid service there are still 5 seconds pre-roll ads on very video but there are no in-video ads.
Vessel is growing insanely fast and already a lot of the big YouTubers. Some of these include LinusTechTips and UnboxTherapy, Reet and Link along with other people..
For just a free hours more you can access Vessel for FREE for a year using LinusTech’s Link! No Credit-Cards needed! Right now Vessel is only $2.99/month but expect this to be more after a year!
Vessel is definitely not for everyone – It’s only for the people who are willing to pay to get early access to their favorite YouTuber’s videos! Most of the YouTuber’s are not making exclusive content for Vessel they are just uploading the videos there early but, what happens in the future, is well in the future.

The amount of money that you be making seems to be much more than what you would be on something like YouTube! From what Vessel tells the public.. You can make about $50 per 1,000 views compared to YouTube which sometimes is only about $10. They say that would will get 60% of subscription dollars and 70% of advertising dollars. All of this is just during the “Early Access” Period and after that these amounts might be lower or higher.
Earn more during early accessThe free web treats every view equally. On Vessel, your superfans get exclusive, early access in a premium environment. During the early access period, you get 60% of subscription dollars and 70% of advertising dollars.
We estimate that videos will earn approximately $50 per 1,000 views while in early access. This is up to 20x more per view than creators earn from free web distribution.
For now it seems like there are no disadvantages to Vessel if you are on the bigger side of creators; The interface is simple and the ad integration is great and for the first year free using LinusTechTips link it’s a great deal (Limited Time).
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