Amazon Fire Stick: A Chromecast and a Roku Stick rival?


Even though Amazon was late to the steaming box game, That isn’t going to stop Amazon from innovating. First Amazon comes out the Fire TV and now it has come out with the Fire Stick. The Fire Stick is cheaper than the Roku’s Streaming Stick and it’s just a bit more expensive from Google’s own Chomecast. The Fire Stick can do ‘every’ and ‘anything’ the other two can.

The Fire Stick comes around at just $39 sharp and if you are a Amazon Prime subscriber than this is a must buy, If you are not already into another Streaming Box ecosystem.

The First stick comes with Amazon’s menu – including all of the Prime streaming content, if you are a subscriber. Just the Roku Streaming Stick it can using most (but not all) of the third-party streaming services natively – None of that casting stuff from your phone like the Chromecast.



Amazon says that the interface will be the “same” as it’s bigger sibling the Fire TV. This interface will be very important because, You will need to get used to this interface if you are going use most the major video streaming services – As of now Netflix, Hulu Plus, YouTube, Crackle, Twitch, and Pandora are all available but, HBO GO isn’t expected to come til 2015. All services are able to be played upto 1080p, Depending on your internet speed and bandwidth. Full list of Apps and Games are here!

image of the Fire TV Interface | Image Credit: Amazon



Most media company’s have already released their reivews and the link to those are below:



Published by

Dhrumil Shah

I do tech.

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